The latest volume of the
Australian International Law Journal (Vol. 15, 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Damien van der Toorn, Attribution of Conduct by State Armed Forces Participating in UN-authorised Operations: The Impact of Behrami and Al-Jedda
- Emily Crawford, Blurring the Lines between International and Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Evolution of the Customary International Law Applicable in Internal Armed Conflicts
- Lionel Nichols, David Hicks: Prisoner of War or Prisoner of the War on Terror?
- Robert Dubler, What Is in A Name? A Theory of Crimes against Humanity
- Clara Flensbad, Strengthening the Rule of Law in the Pacific through International Crime Cooperation
- Dikdik Mohamad Sodik, Non-Legal Binding International Fisheries Instruments and Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
- Jessica Selby, Ending Abusive and Exploitive Child Labour through International Law and Practical Action
- Rebecca Young, Justiciable Socio-Economic Rights? South African Insights into Australia's Debate
- Stephen Tully, Like Oil and Water: A Sceptical Appraisal of Climate Change and Human Rights
- David Jacyk, Article 25 Arbitration in WTO Dispute Settlement: An Alternative Forgotten?
- Ben Mostafa, The Sole Effects Doctrine, Police Powers and Indirect Expropriation under International Law