The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 9, no. 2, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- James Meernik & Rosa Aloisi, I Do Declare: Politics, Declarations and the International Criminal Court
- Kate Gibson, An Uneasy Co-existence: The Relationship Between Internationalised Criminal Courts and Their Domestic Counterparts
- Lisa Cherkassky, Genocide: Punishing a Moral Wrong
- Karan Lahiri, Rwanda's 'Gacaca' Courts A Possible model for local Justice in International Crime?
- Tarik Abdulhak, Building Sustainable Capacities - From an International Tribunal to a Domestic War Crimes Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mark Chadwick, Modern Developments in Universal Jurisdiction: Addressing Impunity in Tibet and Beyond
- Mark Klamberg, International Criminal Law in Swedish Courts: The Principle of Legality in the Arklöv Case
- Robert Schaeffer, The Audacity of Compromise: The UN Security Council and the Pre-conditions to the Exercise of Jurisdiction by the ICC with Regard to the Crime of Aggression