The latest issue of the
International Criminal Justice Review (Vol. 19, no. 2, June 2009) is out. Contents include:
- John Winterdyk, Genocide: International Issues and Perspectives Worthy of Criminal Justice Attention
- John Quigley, Genocide: A Useful Legal Category?
- Caroline Fournet, The Universality of the Prohibition of the Crime of Genocide, 1948-2008
- Marianne L. Wade, Genocide: The Criminal Law between Truth and Justice
- John R. Cencich, International Criminal Investigations of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: A War Crimes Investigator's Perspective
- Augustine Brannigan & Nicholas A. Jones, Genocide and the Legal Process in Rwanda: From Genocide Amnesty to the New Rule of Law
- Catrien Bijleveld, Aafke Morssinkhof, & Alette Smeulers, Counting the Countless: Rape Victimization During the Rwandan Genocide