The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 17, no. 1, March 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Lieselotte Viaene, Peter Doran & Jonathan Liljeblad, Special Section: ‘Transitional Justice and Nature: A Curious Silence’
Janine Natalya Clark, Harm, Relationality and More-than-Human Worlds: Developing the Field of Transitional Justice in New Posthumanist Directions
Ana Iris Loperena, Fabián Rosas, Paula Cáceres, Laura Carianil & Angela Santamaria , Reparations for Indigenous Women Subjected to Sexual and Environmental Violence in the Colombian Post-Peace Agreement
Sarah Kerremans & Tine Destrooper, Exploring the Nexus between Transitional Justice and Ecoterritorial Conflict Resolution: Time for an Ecoterritorial Turn in Transformative Transitional Justice?
Isabella Ariza-Buitrago & Luisa Gomez-Betancur, Nature in Focus: The Invisibility and Re-Emergence of Rivers, Land and Animals in Colombia’s Transitional Justice System
Colin Luoma, Reckoning with Conservation Violence on Indigenous Territories: Possibilities and Limitations of a Transitional Justice Response
Laura Ordoñez-Vargas, L. C. Peralta Gonzalez & Enrique Prieto-Rios, An Econcentric Turn in the Transitional Restorative Justice Process in Colombia
Elin Skaar, When Truth Commission Models Travel: Explaining the Norwegian Case
Christelle Molima Bameka, Narrowing the Gap in the Access to Justice for Child Victims in Postconflict Societies: An Analysis Stemming from the Construction of Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy
Chulani Kodikara, The Office on Missing Persons in Sri Lanka: Why Truth Is a Radical Proposition
Review Essay
- Mark Kersten, ‘Global South’ Voices Are Muted in Debates over the Crime of Aggression: What Three Books on Illegal War Tell Us About Why