The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 22, no. 1, March 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial Comment
Sienho Yee, Between the “Standard Methodology” in Delimitation Dispute Settlement and the UNCLOS: Some 40th Anniversary Reflections
- Agnese Vitale, The Higher Law and the Principle of Non-Recognition
Zhenni Li, Autonomy of Provisional Measures or Autonomy of the International Court of Justice?
- Comment
- Jianjun Gao, Delimitation of the Extended Continental Shelf in Somalia v. Kenya in the ICJ: A Critique
- Current Development
Yudan Tan & Suhong Yang, The Joint Investigation Team in Ukraine: An Opportunity for the International Criminal Court?
Special Section of Letters on Joint Development
Sienho Yee, Special Section of Letters on Joint Development: An Introductory Note
Niya Deng, Joint Development Between Australia and Timor-Leste
Wang Jia, Nigeria-Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development of Petroleum and Other Resources
Shichen Tian, The Joint Development Agreement between Senegal and Guinea-Bissau: A Summary and Brief Analysis
Jing Liu, The Japan-Korea Joint Development Agreement: with Particular References to Revising the Deadlock Resolution Mechanism
Gulardi Nurbintoro, The Timor Gap Treaty
Sufian Jusoh, Muhammad Faliq Abd Razak, & Ahmad Rizal Mohd Yusof, Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Agreement
Muhammad Faliq Abd Razak, Sufian Jusoh, & Andika Ab. Wahab, Malaysia-Vietnam Joint Development Agreement