The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Vol. 26, no. 1, Spring 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Rebecca Barber, Revisiting the Legal Effect of General Assembly Resolutions: Can an Authorising Competence for the Assembly be Grounded in the Assembly’s ‘Established Practice’, ‘Subsequent Practice’ or Customary International Law?
Bulbul Khaitan, Alternative to the Existing Rule of Attribution for Use of Force by Non-State Actors in an Armed Conflict
Yutaka Arai-Takahashi, Thresholds in Flux—the Standard for Ascertaining the Requirement of Organization for Armed Groups under International Humanitarian Law
C Sophia Müller, The Role of Law in Enforcing Peace Agreements: Lessons Learned from Colombia
Marco Bocchese, El Coco Does Not Frighten Anymore: ICC Scrutiny and State Cooperation in Colombia
James D Fry & Saroj Nair, Deconstructing Dud Disarmament Disputes
Christophe Paulussen, Towards a Right to Sustainable Security of Person in Times of Terrorism? Assessing Possibilities and Limitations Through a Critical Evaluation of Citizenship Stripping and Non-Repatriation Policies