The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 21, no. 2, June 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Tobias Nielsen, Nicolai Baumert, Astrid Kander, Magnus Jiborn & Viktoras Kulionis, The risk of carbon leakage in global climate agreements
Takahiro Oki, European fuel economy policy for new passenger cars: a historical comparative analysis of discourses and change factors
Yayun Shen & Michael Faure, Green building in China
Nicholas Chan, Beyond delegation size: developing country negotiating capacity and NGO ‘support’ in international climate negotiations
Aigul Nukusheva, Gulzhazira Ilyassova, Dinara Rustembekova, Roza Zhamiyeva & Leila Arenova, Global warming problem faced by the international community: international legal aspect
Carl Middleton & David J. Devlaeminck, Reciprocity in practice: the hydropolitics of equitable and reasonable utilization in the Lancang-Mekong basin
Tobias Renner, Sander Meijerink, Pieter van der Zaag & Toine Smits, Assessment framework of actor strategies in international river basin management, the case of Deltarhine
Alexandra-Maria Bocse, Hybrid transnational advocacy networks in environmental protection: banning the use of cyanide in European gold mining
Osman Devrim Elvan, Üstüner Birben, & Hasan Emre Ünal, The effectiveness of the Bern Convention on wildlife legislation and judicial decisions in Turkey
Andreas Kokkvoll Tveit, Does capacity increase compliance? Examining evidence from European cooperation against air pollution