The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 11, no. 1, January 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Notes and Comments
- Raghavi Viswanath, Elevating Cultural Rights Using International Criminal Law—The Asian Story
Abhishek Trivedi, The ICJ's Jadhav Judgment and Its Implications for Pakistan and India under International Law
Christian Schultheiss, “One of the First Matters to be Addressed but Distinct” or “Distinct but Inseparable”? The Distinction Between Maritime Entitlement and Sea Boundary Delimitation in the Philippines v. China Arbitration
Mohammad Belayet Hossain, Asmah Laili Bt Yeon, Ahmad Shamsul Bin Abd. Aziz, FDI and Dispute Settlement Arrangements in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges
- Marco Longobardo, The Legality of Closure on Land and Safe Passage Between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank
Vid Prislan, Challenging Domestic Judgments Through Investment Arbitration: Implications for the Forced Labour Litigation in Korea?
Andrew Serdy, Seabed Boundaries in the Northern Bay of Bengal: The Unclear Role of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Paving the Way to Resource Exploitation
Simon McKenzie, Autonomous Technology and Dynamic Obligations: Uncrewed Maritime Vehicles and the Regulation of Maritime Military Surveillance in the Exclusive Economic Zone
Mohsen Al Attar, Must International Legal Pedagogy Remain Eurocentric?