Monday, January 4, 2021

Hakimi: What Might (Finally) Kill the Jus ad Bellum?

Monica Hakimi (Univ. of Michigan - Law) has posted What Might (Finally) Kill the Jus ad Bellum? Here's the abstract:
There is a long tradition of international relations and legal scholars warning of the demise of the jus ad bellum—the body of international law that governs when states may use force across national borders. I argue in this Lecture, presented at The University College London Faculty of Laws in October 2020, that these warnings have mostly been wrong. The reason they have been wrong is that they have misdiagnosed or at least grossly overstated the source of the threat. Worse, they have diverted attention away from the kinds of challenges that might actually push the contemporary jus ad bellum to the breaking point—and that we might now confront.