The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Polar Law (Vol. 11, 2019) is out. Contents include:
Rachael Lorna Johnstone & Guðmundur Alfreðsson, In Memoriam – Ágúst Þór Árnason, 26 May 1954–11 April 2019
Aili Keskitalo, Opening Address
Vittus Qujaukitsoq, The Constitutional History of Greenland: Speech by the Minister for Mineral Resources, Labour, Interior and Nordic Co-operation
Yelena Yermakova, The Arctic: Press, Policy and the Arctic Council
Malgorzata (Gosia) Smieszek, Steady as She Goes? Structure, Change Agents, and the Evolution of the Arctic Council
Nigel Bankes, Arctic Ocean Management and Indigenous Peoples: Recent Legal Developments
Ragnar Baldursson, An Icelandic Perspective: Opening the Arctic Ocean
Elise Johansen, The Role of the Law of the Sea in Climate Change Litigation
Alejandra Mancilla, Four Principles to Justify Claims to Jurisdiction and to Natural Resources in Antarctica
Bent Ole Gram Mortensen & Ulrike Fleth-Barten, Denmark’s Obligations Regarding Mineral Resources in Greenland
Astrid Nonbo Andersen, The Greenland Reconciliation Commission: Moving Away from a Legal Framework
Apostolos Tsiouvalas, Mare Nullius or Mare Suum? Using Ethnography to Debate Rights to Marine Resources in Coastal Sámi Communities of Troms
Gudmundur Alfredsson, Gun-Mari Lindholm, Göran Lindholm & Elisabeth Nauclér, History of Polar Law: Professor Atle Grahl-Madsen and the Seminars on the Small Nations of the North