The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Vol. 25, no. 1, Spring 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Elliot Winter, Pillars not Principles: The Status of Humanity and Military Necessity in the Law of Armed Conflict
Samuli Haataja, Cyber Operations and Collective Countermeasures under International Law
Emma J Marchant, Insufficient Knowledge in Kunduz: The Precautionary Principle and International Humanitarian Law
Manuel Galvis Martínez, Betrayal in War: Rules and Trends on Seeking Collaboration under IHL
Verity Robson, The Common Approach to Article 1: The Scope of Each State’s Obligation to Ensure Respect for the Geneva Conventions
Ahmed Almutawa, Designing the Organisational Structure of the UN Cyber Peacekeeping Team
Nery Ramati, The Rulings of the Israeli Military Courts and International Law