The latest issue of
Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 15, nos. 3/4, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Rules of Origin: A Comparative Analysis
- Juan David Barbosa, Rules of Origin: A Comparative Analysis
Davide Rovetta, Agnieszka Smiatacz, Edwin Vermulst, & Emmanuelle Rogiest, Rules of Origin in the EU, a Simplification?
Nataliia Isakhanova, Rules of Origin Under the Legislation of Ukraine and Its Correlation with International Treaties to Which Ukraine Is a Party, Including FTAs and PEM Convention
V. Lakshmikumaran, Rules of Origin and the FTAs: Major Issues in India
Daniel Rosenblatt, Peace and Prosperity: Israel’s Qualifying Industrial Zone Agreements with Jordan and Egypt
Thinus Jacobsz, Rules of Origin. Notes on Challenges for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Giang Le & Hanh Bui, Vietnamese Exporters in the Midst of Rules of Origin Under FTAs
Jean-Marc Clément, Proving FTA Preferential Tariff Eligibility: The Evidentiary Burden in Canada
Gustavo A. Uruchurtu, The New Paradigms for the Rule of Origin in México
Paola Arnolt & Horacio Cepeda, Rules of Origin in the Mercosur–UE Agreement
María Noel Lascano, The Non-preferential Certification of Origin in Argentina
Martín Mariotta, Fabrizzio de Armas, & Camilo Méndez, Jurisprudence of Civil Appeals Courts in the Matter of Rules of Origin (2013–2019)
Andrea Weiss Balassiano, Rules of Origin in Brazil
Juan David Barbosa Mariño & Juan David López Vergara, The Preferential and Non-preferential Certification of Origin in Colombia: Trends on the Origin Verification Process
Brian Rankin Staples, Importers: Improve Origin Data Quality to Reduce Origin Liability
Flavia Figueredo, Mistakes in Certificates of Origin. Relationship with the General Principles of Law, the Legal Type and the Subjective Aspects of Customs Infractions