The latest issue of the
Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 26, no. 1, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Special Section: New directions in the IPE of Energy
- Caroline Kuzemko, Andrew Lawrence & Matthew Watson, New directions in the international political economy of energy
Peter Newell, Trasformismo or transformation? The global political economy of energy transitions
Benjamin K. Sovacool & Götz Walter, Internationalizing the political economy of hydroelectricity: security, development and sustainability in hydropower states
Caroline Kuzemko, Re-scaling IPE: local government, sustainable energy and change
Kate J. Neville, Jackie Cook, Jennifer Baka, Karen Bakker & Erika S. Weinthal, Can shareholder advocacy shape energy governance? The case of the US antifracking movement
Diego Fossati, Embedded diasporas: ethnic prejudice, transnational networks and foreign investment
Sung-Young Kim, Hybridized industrial ecosystems and the makings of a new developmental infrastructure in East Asia’s green energy sector
Bentley B. Allan, Paradigm and nexus: neoclassical economics and the growth imperative in the World Bank, 1948–2000