The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 22, no. 1, March 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Shin-yi Peng, The Rule of Law in Times of Technological Uncertainty: Is International Economic Law Ready For Emerging Supervisory Trends?
Heng Wang, China’s Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative: Scope, Character and Sustainability
Rafael Lima Sakr, Beyond History and Boundaries: Rethinking the Past in the Present of International Economic Law
The Historical Lens in International Economic Law
Steve Charnovitz
Juscelino F Colares & Mustafa T Durmus, TURK-SWITCH: The Tariff-Leverage and Legal Case for Turkey’s Switch from EU–Turkey Customs Union to FTAs with the European Union and Beyond
Aurelio Gurrea-Martínez & Nydia Remolina, The Dark Side of Implementing Basel Capital Requirements: Theory, Evidence, and Policy