- Articles
- Elizabeth Gloster, Symbiosis or Sadomasochism? The relationship between the courts and arbitration
- George A Bermann, What does it mean to be ‘pro-arbitration’?
- Ronán Feehily, Separability in international commercial arbitration; confluence, conflict and the appropriate limitations in the development and application of the doctrine
- Jonathan Hill, Claims that an arbitral tribunal failed to deal with an issue: the setting aside of awards under the Arbitration Act 1996 and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
- David Isidore Tan, ‘Enforcing’ national court judgments as arbitration awards under the New York convention
- Case Notes
- Patrick Dumberry, State succession to BITs: analysis of case law in the context of dissolution and secession
- Dietmar Czernich, The theory of separability in Austrian arbitration law: is it on stable pillars?
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
New Issue: Arbitration International
The latest issue of Arbitration International (Vol. 34, no. 3, September 2018) is out. Contents include: