The latest issue of the
Journal of International Arbitration (Vol. 34, no. 3, 2017) is out. Contents include:
Sundaresh Menon, Adjudicator, Advocate, or Something in Between? Coming to Terms with the Role of the Party-Appointed Arbitrator
Neil Kaplan, Winter of Discontent
Chiann Bao, Third Party Funding in Singapore and Hong Kong: The Next Chapter
Nicolas Wiegand, Can Asia Cut the Costs?
Mel Andrew Schwing, The KLRCA I-Arbitration Rules: A Shari’a-Compliant Solution to the Problems with Islamic Finance Dispute Resolution in Singapore and Malaysia?
João Ribeiro & Stephanie Teh, The Time for a New Arbitration Law in China: Comparing the Arbitration Law in China with the UNCITRAL Model Law
Fan Yang, ‘How Long Have You Got?’: Towards a Transparent and Streamlined System for Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards in China
Harshad Pathak & Pratyush Panjwani, Parallel Proceedings in Indian Arbitration Law: Invoking Lis Pendens
Mariel Dimsey, Hong Kong’s Year in Review: A Résumé of 2016 Arbitration Developments
John Bang & David MacArthur, Korean Arbitration Act Amended to Adopt Key Features of 2006 Model Law Amendments