The latest issue of
Humanity (Vol. 8, no. 2, Summer 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Dossier on Transformative Occupations in the Modern Middle East
- Simon Jackson & A. Dirk Moses, Transformative Occupations in the Modern Middle East
- Simon Jackson,
Transformative Relief: Imperial Humanitarianism and Mandatory Development in Syria-Lebanon, 1915–1925
- Jacob Norris,
Transforming the Holy Land: The Ideology of Development and the British Mandate in Palestine
- Seth Anziska,
Autonomy as State Prevention: The Palestinian Question after Camp David, 1979–1982
- Tareq G. Baconi,
Politicizing Resistance: The Transformative Impact of the Second Intifada on Hamas’s Resistance Strategy, 2000–2006
- Nida Alahmad,
Illuminating a State: State-Building and Electricity in Occupied Iraq
- Artemy M. Kalinovsky & Antonio Giustozzi,
The Professional Middle Class in Afghanistan: From Pivot of Development to Political Marginality
- A. Dirk Moses,
Empire, Resistance, and Security: International Law and the Transformative Occupation of Palestine