The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 23, no. 1, March 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Audra Mitchell, Is IR going extinct?
- Kavi Joseph Abraham & Yehonatan Abramson, A pragmatist vocation for International Relations: The (global) public and its problems
- Jonathan Luke Austin, We have never been civilized: Torture and the materiality of world political binaries
- Chengxin Pan & Oliver Turner, Neoconservatism as discourse: Virtue, power and US foreign policy
- Catherine Baker, The ‘gay Olympics’? The Eurovision Song Contest and the politics of LGBT/European belonging
- Rahel Kunz & Julia Maisenbacher, Women in the neighbourhood: Reinstating the European Union’s civilising mission on the back of gender equality promotion?
- Robin Dunford, Peasant activism and the rise of food sovereignty: Decolonising and democratising norm diffusion?
- McKenzie F. Johnson, Institutional change in a conflict setting: Afghanistan’s Environment Law
- Yagil Levy, Control from within: How soldiers control the military
- Daniel C. Thomas, Beyond identity: Membership norms and regional organization