The latest issue of the
Amsterdam Law Forum (Vol. 8, no. 2, Summer 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Scientific Articles
- Susan Rose Power, Starvation By Siege: Applying the Law of Armed Conflict in Syria
- Flora Saraiva Rebello Arduini, Financial Institutions and the International Frameworks on Business and Human Rights: the implementation challenges.
- Matt MacDonald, The Law and Politics of a Norm Violation: Punitivity and the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979
- Opinion Articles
- Ana Martin Beringola,
Ensuring Protection of Child Soldiers from Sexual Violence: Relevance of the Ntaganda Decision on the Confirmation of Charges in Narrowing the Gap
- Andrew Merrylees, Two-thirds and you’re out? A discussion of the Practice of Early Release at the ICTY and ICC, and the Goals of International Criminal Justice