In choosing the theme for the 77th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association (ILA), [the South African Branch of the International Law Association] intended to create an opportunity for academics and practitioners to reflect on developments in state practice that prove or disprove North – South divisions in the interpretation and application of international law in areas of mutual concern. Our objective is to attract participants from as many regions of the world as practically possible, and especially from the African continent which is under-represented in the work and membership of the ILA. The conference theme and the work of the specialist committees that will be presented at the conference will be of relevance not only for scholars and practitioners of international law. Judges, prosecutors, political scientists, scholars in international relations, NGO’s, social scientists and economists may find the programme equally stimulating.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Conference: 77th ILA Biennial Conference
The 77th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association will take place August 7-11, 2016, in Johannesburg. The theme is: "International Law and State Practice: Is there a North-South Divide?" The program is here. Here's the idea: