The latest issue of the
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional/Latin American Journal of International Trade Law (Vol. 3, no. 2, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Luis F. Gomez-Alfaro, Sovereign Debt Restructuring in Latin America: Fixing the Pari Passu Clauses
Kholofelo Kugler, Guarding Foreign Investment in South Africa’s Private Security Sector: The GATS Version
Henok Birhanu Asmelash, Tobias A. Lehmann & Luis Montilla, NML Capital v. Republic of Argentina: A Law and Economics Analysis of the Pari Passu Clause
Kenneth I. Ajibo, Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration: Assumptions of Implied Duty and a Proposed Solution
Laure Burrus, Circulation of the International Arbitration Clause: French and Swiss Cases
Anne Sophie Gidoin, Lessons from the First Round of ICC Panel Determinations Made Under ICANN’s Community Objections Procedure