This conference addresses the continuing debate about the role of the principle of proportionality in international investment law. In particular, this conference will look at some of the key issues raised by invocations of proportionality in investment treaty arbitration, including identifying the positive basis for invoking proportionality in investment treaty arbitration (custom? general principle?); antecedents of the principle in domestic law and other areas of international law; and the practical meaning of proportionality in investor-state arbitration, whether as part of claims, elements of defence, or calculation of compensation. In addition, the conference will feature a moderated debate between the authors of two recent monographs on the role of proportionality in investment law.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Conference: Twenty-Sixth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law will host the Twenty-Sixth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference on May 19, 2016. The theme is: "The Role of Proportionality in International Investment Law." The program is here. Here's the idea: