The latest issue of
Humanity (Vol. 7, no. 1, Spring 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Human rights and Humanitarianism on the African Continent
- Amal Hassan Fadlalla & Omolade Adunbi, Introduction
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Humanitarian Dispossession: Celebrity Activism and the Fragment-Nation of the Sudan
Lisa Ann Richey, Alexandra Cosima Budabin, Celebritizing Conflict: How Ben Affleck Sells the Congo to Americans
Robert Wyrod, When Rights Come Home: The Intimate Politics of Women's Rights in Urban Uganda
Nadine Naber & Atef Said, The Cry for Human Rights: Violence, Transition, and the Egyptian Revolution
Bilal Butt, Conservation, Neoliberalism, and Human Rights In Kenya's Arid Lands
Yepoka Yeebo, Photo Essay: Suame Magazine
Keith Hart, Reflections On Ghana's Informal Economy At Fifty Years
Joseph Morgan Hodge, Writing The History of Development (Part 2: Longer, Deeper, Wider)