The latest issue of
Global Responsibility to Protect (Vol. 7, nos. 3-4, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The Responsibility to Protect: Ten Years on from the World Summit
Adrian Gallagher & Jason Ralph, The Responsibility to Protect at Ten
- Adrian Gallagher, The Responsibility to Protect Ten Years on from the World Summit: A Call to Manage Expectations
- Gregor Peter Hofmann, R2P Ten Years on: Unresolved Justice Conflicts and Contestation
- Andrew Garwood-Gowers, R2P Ten Years After the World Summit: Explaining Ongoing Contestation over Pillar III
- Kai Michael Kenkel & Felippe De Rosa, Localization and Subsidiarity in Brazil’s Engagement with the Responsibility to Protect
- Malte Brosig & Natalie Zähringer, Norm Evolution a Matter of Conformity and Contestedness: South Africa and the Responsibility to Protect
- Volkan Şeyşane & Çiğdem Çelik, R2P and Turkish Foreign Policy: Libya and Syria in Perspective
- Justin Morris, The Responsibility to Protect and the Great Powers: The Tensions of Dual Responsibility