Public International Law
- Franklin Berman, Inaugural Lecture: Why Do We Need a Law of Treaties?
- Mohamed Bennouna (Judge, International Court of Justice), General Course: International Law - Between Letter and Spirit
- Jean-Yves de Cara (Université Paris Descartes), International Organizations and their Operational Actions for State Reconstruction
- Pasquale De Sena (Catholic Univ. of Milan), Human Dignity and International law
- Bing Bing Jia (Tsinghua Univ.), International Case Law in the Development of International Law
- Fernando Mariño Menendez (Carlos III Univ.), The Prohibition of Torture in Contemporary International Law
- Sean D. Murphy (George Washington Univ.), International Law Relating to Islands
- André Nollkaemper (Univ. of Amsterdam), Shared Responsibility in International Law
Private International Law
- Erik Jayme (Univ. of Heidelberg), Inaugural Lecture: Languages and Private International Law
- Symeon C. Symeonides (Willamette Univ.), General Course: Private International Law: Aspirations and Realities
- Lotfi Chedly (Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, Tunis), The Effectiveness of International Commercial Arbitration
- Lauro da Gama e Souza Jr. (Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio de Janeiro), The UNIDROIT Principles and the Law Governing International Trade Contracts
- Michael Hellner (Stockholm Univ.), Private International Law Issues concerning Surrogacy Arrangements
- Sergio Marchisio (Sapienza – Università di Roma), The Legal Regime of International Space Activities: Between Public and Private Law
- Cyril Nourissat (Jean Moulin Univ. – Lyon 3), Restrictive Practices in Private International Law
- Marta Pertegás Sender (Hague Conference on Private International Law), Foreign Civil and Commercial Judgements: From Reciprocity to a Multilateral Scheme?
- Karsten Thorn (Bucerius Law School), The Protection of Small and Medium Enterprises in Private International Law