The latest issue of the
World Trade Review (Vol. 14, no. 4, October 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Chris Downes,
Worth Shopping Around? Defending Regulatory Autonomy under the SPS and TBT Agreements
Elías A. Baracat, J. Michael Finger, Raúl León Thorne & Julio J. Nogués,
Trade Reform and Institution Building: Peru and Argentina under the WTO
Rudolf Adlung,
The Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and Its Compatibility with GATS: An Assessment Based on Current Evidence
Antonia Eliason,
The Trade Facilitation Agreement: A New Hope for the World Trade Organization
Susan Aaronson,
Why Trade Agreements are not Setting Information Free: The Lost History and Reinvigorated Debate over Cross-Border Data Flows, Human Rights, and National Security
Kuei-Jung Ni, Legal Aspects (Barriers) of Granting Compulsory Licenses for Clean Technologies in Light of WTO/TRIPS Rules: Promise or Mirage?