The latest issue of
Climate Law (Vol. 5, no. 1, 2015) is out. Contents include:
Benoit Mayer, The Applicability of the Principle of Prevention to Climate Change: A Response to Zahar
- Alexander Zahar, Methodological Issues in Climate Law
- Kerryn Brent, Jeffrey McGee & Amy Maguire, Does the ‘No-Harm’ Rule Have a Role in Preventing Transboundary Harm and Harm to the Global Atmospheric Commons from Geoengineering?
- Jolene Lin, The First Successful Climate Negligence Case: A Comment on Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the Netherlands (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment)
- Thomas Deleuil & Tuula Honkonen, Vertical, Horizontal, Concentric: The Mechanics of Differential Treatment in the Climate Regime