The latest issue of
Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Vol. 42, no. 3, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- From the Board, Forty Years of EU Consumer Protection: Where Does It Stand Now?
Sahir Özdemir, A Comment on the Inconsistency between the EU-Turkey Association Law and EU Secondary Legislation
Peter Hilpold, Filling a Buzzword with Life: The Implementation of the Solidarity Clause in Article 222 TFEU
Derek O’Brien, The Right of Free Movement within Caricom: A Step towards Caribbean ‘Citizenship’? Lessons from the European Union
Kamala Dawar, The WTO Government Procurement Agreement: The Most-Favoured Nation Principle, the GATS and Regionalism
Henrik Skovgaard-Petersen, Market Citizenship and Union Citizenship: An ‘Integrated’ Approach? The Martens Judgment
Daniel Mandrescu, Access to Leniency Programme Documents Based on the Transparency Regulation: The European Commission v. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG