The latest issue of the
International Studies Quarterly (Vol. 59, no. 2, June 2015) is out. Contents include:
- International Law
- Richard A. Nielsen & Beth A. Simmons, Rewards for Ratification: Payoffs for Participating in the International Human Rights Regime?
Pierre-Hugues Verdier & Erik Voeten, How Does Customary International Law Change? The Case of State Immunity
Democracies and Non-Democracies
Christopher S. P. Magee & John A. Doces, Reconsidering Regime Type and Growth: Lies, Dictatorships, and Statistics
International Organizations
Martin Binder & Monika Heupel, The Legitimacy of the UN Security Council: Evidence from Recent General Assembly Debates
Daniela Donno, Shawna K. Metzger & Bruce Russett, Screening Out Risk: IGOs, Member State Selection, and Interstate Conflict, 1951–2000
- Foreign Policies and Domestic Politics
Xun Cao & Hugh Ward, Winning Coalition Size, State Capacity, and Time Horizons: An Application of Modified Selectorate Theory to Environmental Public Goods Provision
Michaela Mattes, Brett Ashley Leeds & Royce Carroll, Leadership Turnover and Foreign Policy Change: Societal Interests, Domestic Institutions, and Voting in the United Nations
Globalization and Trade
Andrey Tomashevskiy & Daniel Yuichi Kono, Extra Credit: Preferential Trade Arrangements and Credit Ratings
Edward D. Mansfield, Diana C. Mutz & Laura R. Silver, Men, Women, Trade, and Free Markets
Adam Dean, The Gilded Wage: Profit-Sharing Institutions and the Political Economy of Trade
- Foreign Direct Investment
Moonhawk Kim, Amy H. Liu, Kim-Lee Tuxhorn, David S. Brown & David Leblang, Lingua Mercatoria: Language and Foreign Direct Investment
Chungshik Moon, Foreign Direct Investment, Commitment Institutions, and Time Horizon: How Some Autocrats Do Better than Others
- Transnational Politics
Melanie M. Hughes, Mona Lena Krook & Pamela Paxton, Transnational Women's Activism and the Global Diffusion of Gender Quotas
Rebekah K. Tromble & Miriam Wouters, Are We Talking With or Past One Another? Examining Transnational Political Discourse across Western–Muslim “Divides”
Michaël Tatham, Regional Voices in the European Union: Subnational Influence in Multilevel Politics