The latest issue of
International Relations (Vol. 29, no. 2, June 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Roland Paris,
States of mind: The role of governance schemas in foreign-imposed regime change
Lena Tan,
Rethinking the role of ideas and norms in twentieth century decolonization: Constructing metropolitan British identities and responding to Indian nationalism (1929-1935)
Ali Bilgic,
‘We are not barbarians’: Gender politics and Turkey’s quest for the West
Eugenio Cusumano,
The scope of military privatisation: Military role conceptions and contractor support in the United States and the United Kingdom
- Forum
Félix Grenier, Helen Louise Turton, & Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard,
The struggle over the identity of IR: What is at stake in the disciplinary debate within and beyond academia?
Helen Louise Turton,
The importance of re-affirming IR’s disciplinary status
Félix Grenier,
An eclectic fox: IR from restrictive discipline to hybrid and pluralist field
Pami Aalto,
Interdisciplinary International Relations in practice
Ilan Zvi Baron,
IR has not, is not and will not take place
Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard,
Bypassing the reflexivity trap: IR’s disciplinary status and the politics of knowledge
Lene Hansen,
Debating the identity of IR: Concluding reflections