The latest issue of the
American Review of International Arbitration (Vol. 25, no. 2, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Patrick M. Norton,
The Use of Precedents in Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards
Elsa A. Paparemborde,
Preventive Requests for the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Toward an Effective Filtering Mechanism Under the New York Convention
Rémy Gerbay,
Is the End Nigh Again? An Empirical Assessment of the "Judicialization" of International Arbitration
Armand M. Paré, Jr, Nationwide Arbitration Subpoenas Under the United States Arbitration Act
Benjamin G. Davis,
American Diversity in International Arbitration 2003-2013
David Weiss & Brian Hodgkinson,
Adoptive Arbitration: An Alternative Approach to Enforcing Cross-Border Mediation Settlement Agreements
Andreas Respondek,
Arbitration in Germany