The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 12, no. 5, December 2014) is out. Contents include:
Special Issue: The Interaction Between Refugee Law and International Criminal Justice
- Introduction
Fannie Lafontaine, Joseph Rikhof, & Laurel Baig,
Topical Issues
Violeta Moreno-Lax,
Systematising Systemic Integration: ‘War Refugees’, Regime Relations, and a Proposal for a Cumulative Approach to International Commitments
David James Cantor,
The Laws of War and the Protection of ‘War Refugees’: Reflections on the Debate and its Future Directions
Valerie Oosterveld,
Gender at the Intersection of International Refugee Law and International Criminal Law
Magali Maystre,
The Interaction between International Refugee Law and International Criminal Law with respect to Child Soldiers
Aiste Dumbryte,
Assessing Ability and Willingness of States: What Can the ICC Learn from International Refugee Law?
Idil Atak & James C. Simeon,
Human Trafficking: Mapping the Legal Boundaries of International Refugee Law and Criminal Justice
Symposium: Exclusion and Post-Exclusion from Refugee Status
Mathias Holvoet,
Harmonizing Exclusion under the Refugee Convention by Reference to the Evidentiary Standards of International Criminal Law
Ned Djordjevic,
Exclusion under Article 1F(b) of the Refugee Convention: The Uncertain Concept of Internationally Serious Common Crimes
Sarah Singer,
Terrorism and Article 1F(c) of the Refugee Convention: Exclusion from Refugee Status in the United Kingdom
Geoff Gilbert & Anna Magdalena Rüsch,
Jurisdictional Competence Through Protection: To What Extent Can States Prosecute the Prior Crimes of Those to Whom They Have Extended Refuge?
Maarten P. Bolhuis, Louis P. Middelkoop, & Joris van Wijk,
Refugee Exclusion and Extradition in the Netherlands: Rwanda as Precedent?
Emma Irving,
Protecting Witnesses at the International Criminal Court from Refoulement
National Issues
Claire Henderson,
Australia’s Treatment of Asylum Seekers: From Human Rights Violations to Crimes Against Humanity
Kate Jastram,
Left Out of Exclusion: International Criminal Law and the ‘Persecutor Bar’ in US Refugee Law
Satvinder S. Juss,
The Notion of Complicity in UK Refugee Law
Livio Zilli,
Ezokola v. Canada: The Correct Place of International Criminal Law in International Refugee Law-making