The latest issue of
Climate Law (Vol. 4, nos. 3-4, 2014) is out. Contents include:
Christoph Schwarte & Will Frank, The International Law Association’s Legal Principles on Climate Change and Climate Liability Under Public International Law
Alexander Zahar, Mediated versus Cumulative Environmental Damage and the International Law Association’s Legal Principles on Climate Change
Christoph Schwarte & Will Frank, Reply to Zahar
Seita Romppanen, Legitimacy and eu Biofuel Governance: In Search of Greater Coherence
Benoît Mayer, Whose ‘Loss and Damage’? Promoting the Agency of Beneficiary States
Ismo Pölönen, The Finnish Climate Change Act: Architecture, Functions, and Challenges
Meinhard Doelle; Steven Evans & Tony George Puthucherril, The Role of the unfccc Regime in Ensuring Effective Adaptation in Developing Countries: Lessons from Bangladesh