The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 32, no. 4, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Human rights-based change and the institutionalisation of economic and social rights
Wouter Vandenhole & Paul Gready, Failures and Successes of Human Rights-Based Approaches to Development: Towards a Change Perspective
Sandra Liebenberg, Participatory Approaches to Socio-Economic Rights Adjudication: Tentative Lessons from South African Evictions Law
Alessandra Sarelin, Modernisation of Maternity Care in Malawi
Tiina Saaresranta, Education in Pursuit of the Development Dream? Effects of Schooling on Indigenous Development and Rights in Bolivia
Sisay Alemahu Yeshanew, Mainstreaming Human Rights in Development Programmes and Projects: Experience from the Work of a United Nations Agency
Hans-Otto Sano, Evidence in Demand: An Overview of Evidence and Methods in Assessing Impact of Economic and Social Rights