The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 14, no. 3, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Jennifer Bond & Meghan Fougere, Omnipresent Threats: A Comment on the Defence of Duress in International Criminal Law
Stephen Bailey, Article 21(3) of the Rome Statute: A Plea for Clarity
Geoff Gilbert, International Criminal Law Is not a Panacea - Why Proposed Climate Change ‘Crimes’ Are Just Another Passenger on an Overcrowded Bandwagon
Elijah Oluwatoyin Okebukola, Training Children for Armed Conflict – Where Does the Law Stand?
Conrad Nyamutata, From Heroes to Victims: An Analysis of the Mutation of the Social Meaning of Child Soldiering
Noelle Higgins, The Responsibility of the Netherlands for the Actions of Dutchbat: An Analysis of Nuhanović and Mustafić