The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 20, no. 3, September 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Lee J.M. Seymour, Let’s bullshit! Arguing, bargaining and dissembling over Darfur
Claudia Aradau & Jef Huysmans,
Critical methods in International Relations: The politics of techniques, devices and acts
Jonathan W. Kuyper,
Global democratization and international regime complexity
Duncan Bell,
Before the democratic peace: Racial utopianism, empire and the abolition of war
Garrett Wallace Brown,
The European Union and Kant’s idea of cosmopolitan right: Why the EU is not cosmopolitan
Jonathan Gilmore,
Protecting the Other: Considering the process and practice of cosmopolitanism
Ty Solomon,
The affective underpinnings of soft power
Bernd Bucher,
Acting abstractions: Metaphors, narrative structures, and the eclipse of agency
Andrew A. Latham & James Christenson,
Historicizing the ‘New Wars’: The case of Jihad in the early years of Islam
K.M. Fierke,
Who is my neighbour? Memories of the Holocaust/al Nakba and a global ethic of care
Michal Ben-Josef Hirsch,
Ideational change and the emergence of the international norm of truth and reconciliation commissions
Joseph O’Mahoney,
Rule tensions and the dynamics of institutional change: From ‘to the victor go the spoils’ to the Stimson Doctrine