This framework paper sets out the multiple angles from which the interfaces between the national and international rule of law can be analysed. The paper begins with a brief account of the concept of the international rule of law (Section II). It moves on to discuss the ‘national’ reception of the international rule of law (Section III), the points of connection between the national and international rule of law (Section IV), and the ‘international’ reception of the national rule of law (Section V). The paper concludes with a theoretical and normative assessment of the interfaces.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Kanetake: The Interfaces between the National and International Rule of Law
Machiko Kanetake (Univ. of Amsterdam – Law) has posted The Interfaces between the National and International Rule of Law: A Framework Paper (in The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference, Machiko Kanetake & André Nollkaemper eds., forthcoming). Here's the abstract: