The latest volume of the
Australian International Law Journal (Vol. 20, 2013) is out. Contents include:
Mini Symposium: Creating New Futures for All: International Law and the
Protection of Migrant Children at Risk
Yanghee Lee, Address: Creating New Futures for All Children:
The Promise of International Human Rights Law
Ron McCallum & Hannah Martin, Comment: The CRPD and Children with Disabilities
Mary Crock, Of Relative Rights and Putative Children: Rethinking the Critical
Framework for the Protection of Refugee Children and Youth
Ben Saul, Indefinite Security Detention and Refugee Children and Families in Australia:
International Human Rights Law Dimensions
Kim Rubenstein & Jacqueline Field, Conceptualising Australian Citizenship for Children:
A Human Rights Perspective
Other Articles
- Megan Davis,
Luke Bastin, Amici Curiae in Investor-State Arbitrations: Two Recent Decisions
Ilyas U Musurmanov, The Implications of Romak v Uzbekistan for Defining
the Concept of Investment
Owen Webb, Kiobel, the Alien Tort Statute and the Common Law:
Human Rights Litigation in this ‘Present, Imperfect World’
Patrick Wall, Sitting on Solid Ground: The International Legal Basis for Overseas Sittings
of the Military Court of Australia