The latest issue of the
International Journal of Refugee Law (Vol. 26, no. 2, June 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Liv Feijen,
Filling the Gaps? Subsidiary Protection and Non-EU Harmonized Protection Status(es) in the Nordic Countries
Mollie Gerver,
Testing Repatriation Contracts for Unconscionability: The Case of Refugees in Israel
Tilman Rodenhäuser,
Another Brick in the Wall: Carrier Sanctions and the Privatization of Immigration Control
Joke Reijven & Joris van Wijk,
Caught in Limbo: How Alleged Perpetrators of International Crimes who Applied for Asylum in the Netherlands are Affected by a Fundamental System Error in International Law
Hugo Storey,
What Constitutes Persecution? Towards a Working Definition