The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 18, no. 3, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Climate change, environmental violence and genocide
Jürgen Zimmerer, Foreword
Jürgen Zimmerer, Climate change, environmental violence and genocide
Mark Levene & Daniele Conversi, Subsistence societies, globalisation, climate change and genocide: discourses of vulnerability and resilience
Martin Crook & Damien Short, Marx, Lemkin and the genocide–ecocide nexus
Gregory Kent, Crystallisations of the global western state in the era of climate change
Rebecca Hofmann,
Culturecide in changing Micronesian climates? About the unintenionality of climate change
Andreas Exenberger & Andreas Pondorfer, Genocidal risk and climate change: Africa in the twenty-first century
Jürgen Scheffran, Tobias Ide & Janpeter Schilling, Violent climate or climate of violence? Concepts and relations with focus on Kenya and Sudan