The latest issue of
Transnational Legal Theory (Vol. 4, no. 4, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: William Twining's Montesquieu Lecture on "Globalisation and Legal Scholarship"
Peer Zumbansen, Why Global Law is Transnational: Remarks on the Symposium around William Twining's Montesquieu Lecture
- Phillip Paiement & Willem Witteveen, Global Situation Sense
- Ming-Sung Kuo, A Dubious Montesquieuian Moment in Constitutional Scholarship: Reading the Empirical Turn in Comparative Constitutional Law in the Light of William Twining and his Hero
- Jessica Eisen, Perspectives on the Global: A Reflection on Twining's Globalisation and Legal Scholarship
- Dan Priel, Two Models of General Jurisprudence
- Eve Darian-Smith, Locating a Global Perspective
- Ali Hammoudi, Re-Constituting the Hegemony of Western Law in the Third World: A Postcolonial Critique of Twining's 'General Jurisprudence'
- Basil Ugochukwu, From Reaction to Agency: A 'Subaltern' Response to William Twining's Globalisation and Legal Scholarship
- Terrine Friday, Reorienting the 'Global' in Legal Theory: Reading Temporal Methods into Twining's Proximal Analysis
- Maria Panezi, Mapping the Territory: Contextual Jurisprudence, Legal Pluralism and WTO Law and Development
- Derek McKee, Globalisation, Legal Ideas, and the Creation of Canada's Access to Medicines Regime
- Marco A. Velásquez-Ruiz, Globalisation and Legal Scholarship in Colombia: Petit commentaire on William Twining's 2009 Montesquieu Lecture
- Vanisha H. Sukdeo, Global Legal Scholarship and Interdisciplinarity
- Brendan Jowett, Turbulent Transitions: Implementing Global Perspectives in Legal Education
- Sas Ansari, Globalisation and Legal Scholarship: William Twining's Call for Revolutionary Jurisprudence
- Morag Goodwin, Embracing the Challenge: Legal Scholarship in a Global Era
- Keith Culver & Michael Giudice, Complementing Comparison: Renewing Analytical Legal Theory to Meet the Explanatory Challenge of Globalisation
- William Twining, Globalisation and Legal Scholarship: A Response