The latest volume of the
Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal (Vol. 6, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- F. Méndez Powell, Auctioning Spectrum Access to Commercial Broadcasters – a Human Rights Perspective
E. Webster, Medical-Related Expulsion and Interpretation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights
E. Rivera López, Conception, Fertilization and the Onset of Human Personhood: A Note on the Case Artavia Murillo et al. v. Costa Rica
J.J. García Blesa & V.L. Gutiérrez Castillo, The Euro-American Human Rights Dialogue and the Crimes of the Francoist Regime
N. Van Belle, The Judicial Protection of Human Rights in Europe after the Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights
J.A.E. Vervaele, Delitos internacionales: del ius (non) puniendi del Estado-nación a un deber puniendi imperativo de ius cogens?
M. De Las Mercedes López Alduncin & P.D. Moyano Ilundain, El alcance del derecho al recurso en la jurisprudencia internacional y su recepción en el ámbito doméstico argentino
C. Burbano Herrera, How Does the European System of Human Rights Protect Detainees in Bad Health?