The latest issue of the
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Vol. 74, no. 1, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Abhandlungen
- Jannika Jahn, Ruling (in)directly through individual measures?: Effect and legitimacy of the ECtHR's New Remedial Power
Blake Emerson, Equality and federalism in U.S.-American civil rights law: A review of two recent supreme court cases on same-sex marriage and voting rights
- Michael Ioannidis, EU Financial Assistance Conditionality after „Two Pack”
Bertus de Villiers, The Protection of Dispersed Minorities: Options for Aboriginal People in Australia
- Stellungnahmen und Berichte
- Lina Papadopoulou, Die implizite Änderung der griechischen Verfassung durch das EU-Recht