The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 18, no. 2, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Legal Perspectives on Contingencies and Resilience in an Environment of Constitutionalism
Clive Walker, Legal perspectives on contingencies and resilience in an environment of constitutionalism - An overview
Catherine Appleton, Lone wolf terrorism in Norway
Michael Eburn, Managing ‘civil contingencies’ in Australia
John Lindsay, The power to react: review and discussion of Canada's emergency measures legislation
Rebecca Moosavian, ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’: informing the public under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004
Andrew Blick, Emergency powers and the withering of the Royal Prerogative
Clive Walker, The governance of emergency arrangements
John Mueller & Mark G. Stewart, Terrorism and counterterrorism in the US: the question of responsible policy-making
Amos N. Guiora, Homeland security: definitions and accountability