The latest volume of the
Canadian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 50, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Joanna Harrington, Exploring the "Canadian" in the Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Marie Ghantous, Les mesures conservatoires indiquées par la Cour internationale de Justice dans le cadre de conflits territoriaux et frontaliers: Développements récents
Ryan Liss, The Abuse of Ambiguity: The Uncertain Status of Omar Khadr under International Law
Véronique Guèvremont, La reconnaissance du pilier culturel du développement durable: vers un nouveau mode de diffusion des valeurs culturelles au sein de l’ordre juridique mondial
Noemi Gal-Or, Responsibility of the WTO for Breach of an International Obligation under the Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations
- Notes and Comments
Paul David Mora, Jurisdictional Immunities of the State for Serious Violations of International Human Rights Law or the Law of Armed Conflict
Alison Mitchell, Distinguishing Friend from Foe: Law and Policy in the Age of Battlefield Biometrics