The latest issue of the
African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 22, no. 1, February 2014) is out. Contents include:
Veronika Daurer & Richard Krever, Choosing between the UN and OECD Tax Policy Models: An African Case Study
Sylvester Oscar Nliam, International Oil and Gas Environmental Legal Framework and the Precautionary Principle: The Implications for the Niger Delta
Dominic N. Dagbanja, Privacy in Context: The Right to Privacy, and Freedom and Independence of the Media under the Constitution of Ghana
Eghosa O. Ekhator, Improving Access to Environmental Justice under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights: The Roles of NGOs in Nigeria
William Daniel Nartey, A REDD Solution to a Green Problem: Using REDD plus to Address Deforestation in Ghana through Benefit Sharing and Community Self-empowerment
Lydia A. Nkansah, Justice within the Arrangement of the Special Court for Sierra Leone versus Local Perception of Justice: A Contradiction or Harmonious?
K. I. Vibhute, Non-Judicial Review in Ethiopia: Constitutional Paradigm, Premise and Precinct