The latest issue of the
Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 21, no. 3, 2014) is out. Contents include:
Gabriel Siles-Brügge, Explaining the resilience of free trade: The Smoot–Hawley myth and the crisis
Stefano Pagliari & Kevin L. Young, Leveraged interests: Financial industry power and the role of private sector coalitions
Chris Humphrey, The politics of loan pricing in multilateral development banks
Ryan Saylor, Commodity booms, coalitional politics and government intervention in credit markets
Bumba Mukherjee, Vineeta Yadav & Sergio Bejar, Candidate-centred systems, public banks and equity market restrictions in developing democracies
Robert Galantucci, Policy space and regional predilections: Partisanship and trade agreements in Latin America
Liam Clegg, Social spending targets in IMF concessional lending: US domestic politics and the institutional foundations of rapid operational change