The latest issue of the
Review of International Studies (Vol. 40, no. 2, April 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Christian Brütsch, Technocratic manager, imperial agent, or diplomatic champion? The IMF in the anarchical society
- John Glenn, In the aftermath of the financial crisis: risk governance and the emergence of pre-emptive surveillance
- Andreas Klinke, Postnational discourse, deliberation, and participation toward global risk governance
Mark T. Nance & M. Patrick Cottrell, A turn toward experimentalism? Rethinking security and governance in the twenty-first century
Jean-Frédéric Morin & Amandine Orsini, Policy coherency and regime complexes: the case of genetic resources
Kerem Nisancioglu, The Ottoman origins of capitalism: uneven and combined development and Eurocentrism
Felix Rösch, Pouvoir, puissance, and politics: Hans Morgenthau's dualistic concept of power?
- William McGinley, Mechanisms and microfoundations in International Relations theory
Ellen Gutterman, The legitimacy of transnational NGOs: lessons from the experience of Transparency International in Germany and France