The latest issue of the
American Review of International Arbitration (Vol. 24, no. 3, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Lise Johnson & Oleksandr Volkov, Investor-State Contracts, Host-State "Commitments" and the Myth of Stability in International Law
Pamela L. Meredith & Marshall M. Lammers, Commercial Satellite Contract Arbitration: Special Legal Considerations
Federico Ortino, The Investment Treaty System as Judicial Review
Peter Ashford, The Law of the Arbitration Agreement: The English Courts Decide?
Edna Sussman, Arbitrator Decision-Making: Unconscious Psychological Influences and What You Can Do About Them
Guido Carducci, Validity of Arbitration Agreements, Court Referral to Arbitration and FAA § 206, Comity, Anti-Suit Injunctions Worldwide and Their Effects in the E.U. Before and After the New E.U. Regulation 1215/2012