The latest issue of the
International Studies Quarterly (Vol. 58, no. 1, March 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Regimes and International Agreements
- Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties
- Alexander Thompson & Daniel Verdier, Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Regime Design
- Leonardo Baccini & Johannes Urpelainen, Before Ratification: Understanding the Timing of International Treaty Effects on Domestic Policies
- Heather Elko McKibben & Shaina D. Western, Levels of Linkage: Across-Agreement versus Within-Agreement Explanations of Consensus Formation among States
Non-State Actors
- Bryan R. Early, Exploring the Final Frontier: An Empirical Analysis of Global Civil Space Proliferation
Lori Poloni-Staudinger & Candice Ortbals, The Domestic Determinants of Transnational Activity: An Examination of Women's Groups in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
Trade and Globalization
Mark S. Manger & Kenneth C. Shadlen, Political Trade Dependence and North–South Trade Agreements
- Wonjae Hwang & Hoon Lee, Globalization, Factor Mobility, Partisanship, and Compensation Policies
- Raymond Hicks, Helen V. Milner & Dustin Tingley, Trade Policy, Economic Interests, and Party Politics in a Developing Country: The Political Economy of CAFTA-DR
- Democratic Peace
Johann Park & Michael Colaresi, Safe Across the Border: The Continued Significance of the Democratic Peace When Controlling for Stable Borders
- Douglas M. Gibler, Contiguous States, Stable Borders, and the Peace between Democracies
- Erik Gartzke & Alex Weisiger, Under Construction: Development, Democracy, and Difference as Determinants of Systemic Liberal Peace
Balance of Power
Scott Wolford, Power, Preferences, and Balancing: The Durability of Coalitions and the Expansion of Conflict
- Amitav Acharya, Power Shift or Paradigm Shift? China's Rise and Asia's Emerging Security Order
- Oisín Tansey, Evaluating the Legacies of State-Building: Success, Failure, and the Role of Responsibility
- Emizet F. Kisangani & Jeffrey Pickering, Rebels, Rivals, and Postcolonial State-Building: Identifying Bellicist Influences on State Extractive Capability
- Randolph M. Siverson & Richard A.I. Johnson, Politics and Parasites: The Contribution of Corruption to Human Misery
- Controversy: Global Governance
Thomas G. Weiss & Rorden Wilkinson, Rethinking Global Governance? Complexity, Authority, Power, Change
- Craig N. Murphy, Global Governance over the Long Haul
- Mark Mazower, Response
- Martha Finnemore, Dynamics of Global Governance: Building on What We Know